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Portrait Process – How I Create Your Portrait

For a commissioned portrait, please feel free to contact me through the 'Contact Wendy' tab. I prefer to work from my own photographs, or from life studies with my model, but it is often difficult and costly to arrange that, especially with clients who live in another􀀂 part of the country. In those instances I will work from my client's photos. My prices are based on a cost per square inch calculation, and extra figures (people or pets) or detailed background requests are additional. I'm happy to discuss your particular request and look at your􀀙 photo options.


I've developed a technique for painting my portraits that gives my work a unique look. Beginning with a rough sketch of my subject, I spend a good amount of time producing an initial value study using very diluted acrylic paint (Step 1). This process allows me to carefully study the features of my subject, the lights and shadows, and the warm and cool tones within those shadow areas. The initial study develops into a kind of roadmap that helps me stay on course when I begin applying the pastel colors. Once the acrylic step is complete, I apply an oil wash to the whole underpainting (Step 2). This gives the painting a luminescent glow under􀀙 the final pastel layer (Finished Portrait)

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